ApartmentsFor Interns Share Their Experiences

Posted By: Ashley Brown Inspiration, Local Solutions, Student Housing,

Throughout our time as ApartmentsFor interns, we have had the opportunity to gain much more than just incredible marketing skills that we will savor forever. Beyond the professional growth, we have had the privilege of collaborating with exceptional female colleagues who have instilled in us the confidence to take proactive actions within our respective universities. Under the guidance of our inspiring manager, Caroline Webb, the program has been transformed into a welcoming and enjoyable experience, empowering each university’s representative to showcase our unique strengths and abilities throughout our time posting on our favorite social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.


“I am so glad that I have been able to work with a team of such supportive and creative women! I feel like we have all learned so much from each other and I could not have asked for a better environment to be a part of for my first internship,” says Aneesa, our Florida State University social media representative.


The role provides a unique space for us to proactively engage with our surroundings, as we are actively seeking out tours at various apartments in proximity to our schools. This not only enhances our knowledge of the real estate landscape but also allows us to initiate meaningful conversations with peers that we may not have had the chance to meet otherwise while exhibiting the numerous advantages of utilizing ApartmentsFor's platforms. The hands-on experience of interacting with potential users and advocating for the benefits of the service has been a prominent factor in refining our communication skills and building confidence in ourselves as we grow into our future careers.


“Since starting at SwampRentals, I have truly gotten to put myself out there and gained the confidence to do activities and assignments I never thought I would be doing. I love how much this internship has pushed me out of my comfort zone and brought me closer to so many like-minded and successful women. I believe this was an essential step in my career path and would recommend this to any other University of Florida students,” says Alyandra Salguedo, our UF social media representative.


As we reflect on our time with ApartmentsFor, we are grateful for the mentorship, encouragement, and growth that have marked this journey. The friendships we have gained, and lessons learned will undoubtedly shape our professional lives after graduation, leaving an enduring impact on our lives. We look forward to applying the knowledge and experiences we have gained here as we embark on the next chapter of our careers. Therefore, if you are looking for an internship that will provide you with just about everything within the digital marketing realm and love making creative videos and photos on social media platforms, we would highly recommend checking out our different internship programs with ApartmentsFor, whether you are based in Gainesville, Fla., Tampa, Fla., Tallahassee, Fla., Orlando, Fla., Tuscaloosa, Al., or even Athens, Ga.! Check out our Internships page to find opportunities at these brands: